Paulie Gibson took over Kansas City Fashion Show and comes back to Gent!
Inspired from his seamstress nanny, Vera, Paul Gibson has been designing since he was 4 or 5 years old. But 5-year old Paul probably didn’t know he’d hit the Kansas City Fashion Show on the previous years, including this 2016.
“Actually, Teisha reached out to me and asked if I would join them again this season. And I jumped at the opportunity. KCFW is a very well-oiled machine. At one point, I came to Teisha and asked her if I was forgetting anything because I was so unusually calm. They’re wonderful!”
Gibson describes his clothing line in one word: Stimulation. He is inspired by people or goings on his life. As opposed to his usual vibrant, colorful style; this collection was almost all black.
“It’s simple, yet interestingly complex all while maintaining my “sexy bro” aesthetic.”
The St. Louis native fashion designer enjoyed his experience on the KCFS: “The people who attend KCFW, are lovers of fashion and visual presentation. So I feel as though I'm reaching people who share in my passion. Often times, other regional fashion weeks it's a different experience, it's truly lovely on Kansas City“.
However, he also liked meeting with people involved in the production. “They're so pleasant and laid back. Also the models are great and add value to my presentation by being active participants in my styling process. OH! And the DJ they use...gorilla? That dude is f*cking sick! I love him. He gets me,” Gibson mentioned.
“It's been a pleasure presenting in kcfw and I'm humbled by how well received the clothes have been. Thank you for having me and I hope to see you again next season,” he concluded.