Christian Micheal to design more womenswear after Kansas City Fashion Week success
If Christian Micheal's designs caught your eyes on our previous Gent! Menswear Fashion Designer Showcase, you'll love this news: Christian Micheal will start designing more womenswear after success during the Kansas City Fashion Week.
"YES more women's wear. My next collection F/W 2018 will be women's wear," Christian Micheal said.
Being in the show as an spectator did not prevent Christian Micheal's to steal the show. He and his "White Quilted Army" caught the KCFW attendants attention. "I sold each of those pieces that night at show," he said.
Christian Micheal was on Kansas City Fashion Week this time as a supportive mentor on the other side of the catwalk. His understudy from last season, Bethany Wicker of Crystal Arcade showed her first collection ever on the 2017 KCFW.
Her collection included a Lolita Fashion and Alternative/ Nerd style. " Very young, fresh, and trendy," Christian said.