Brainchild Events

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Barrel Beard & Tattoo helps the gents of St. Louis maintain their skin, hair and tattoos.

Barrel Beard and Tattoo will be offering barrel- aged oils for hair and skin to the gents of St. Louis next Friday November 17 at the Wheelhouse Downtown during Dappermen. Owner and founder Jeremy Allen Stanton launched his company to satisfy a need the market ignored long enough.

“Men’s grooming is an exploding market and now, more than ever, men are paying attention to their personal health and appearance,” Jeremy said. “Consumers want to use products they can trust and that’s exactly what we provide. Integrity and quality are the foundation of Barrel Beard & Tattoo.”

Barrel Beard and Tattoo oils help men maintain a healthy skin and hair and maintain beards and tattoo, to mention a few of their many benefits.

“I began making these products for myself because I couldn’t find anything on the market I liked,” he said. “Barrel Beard & Tattoo Oils are unique in their composition, their aging, and their benefits. For the man looking for something different, we welcome you to experience Barrel Beard & Tattoo”

The oils are aged in used spirit barrels, ranging from whiskey to wine and beyond.  

“Each expression has unique, hand selected ingredients that are all natural and added to provide their own unique contribution and benefits,” Jeremy said.

The newly launched to the public “Built” expression is Jeremy’s favorite for the holidays. It was the very first expression he ever made.  “We came to market with others initially but I couldn’t resist releasing this one into the wild and hope others hold it in the same high regard that we do,” he said. Come to Dappermen to be one of the first people to try on this new expression.

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