Brainchild Events

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Fashion Anarchy Relaunched and the Future of Events

by Mia McManus

Did you think we would cancel it? Nope, it is just relaunched! Fashion Anarchy is an essential event within the fashion scene of Saint Louis, and now, it has the chance to become an essential event all over the country. Because COVID-19 has made in-person events impossible, the designer competition will be live streamed! This means Fashion Anarchy Relaunched can be watched ANYWHERE – from Maine to Missouri to Maui! To understand more about the future of the event industry, Fashion Week Daily interviewed event designer, Bronson van Wyck, where he touches on just what he imagines the future holds.

According to Wyck, safety is the number one priority, and no one knows when it will be safe for large gatherings to take place again. This has kickstarted a time for society to be creative and think outside of the box: “After all, necessity is the mother of invention!” Wyck believes, and has believed for some time, that the future of the hospitality industry is digital! Networks like Zoom, Instagram Live, and many more deliver the perfect place to create distant communities while promoting positivity and normalcy.

While Fashion Anarchy being live streamed is not normal, summer would not be normal without Fashion Anarchy. The pandemic has allowed the Brainchild Events team to cultivate their creativity to put together an event you will want to attend. It may look different, but it is better than ever! We cannot wait to see you on July 30th for the first round.

Read the article here:

Find more information about Fashion Anarchy Relaunched here: